Titelbild vom Buch "With Chutzpah and Kippah"
Mit Chtzpah und Kippah
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Swartzberg campaigns 








Campaigns for a joyous, self-aware and vigilant Judaism:

Terry’s “kippa-experiment”. Since December 1, 2012: wearing a kippa in public

Public shabbats, “kippa parties” and “shak-offs” – making Judaism, its ways and food accessible  – with Terry’s organization J.E.W.S. Jews Engaged with Society e.V.



Read the book on it: “With Chutzpah and Kippah


Titelbild vom Buch "With Chutzpah and Kippah"

Campaigns for commemoration of the victims of the Holocaust:



Stolpersteine – the world’s project of Holocaust commemoration – 100,000 in 1800 cities in 31 countries


Faces for the Names:

 Bringing the victims back by projecting their photos on their homes and places of suffering



Mobile commemoration:

Workshops and events bringing the victims and stories of the Holocaust to people


Campaigns to save the environment:

Against Big Oil’s poisoning of South Sudan and 100 other countries