‘Black Tide’ – a song for 100 countries
Black tide of oil pollution: poisoning 100 countries
August 20, 2010
One hundred countries have experienced over the past fifty years major oil spills and leaks, details a report compiled by Swartzberg GmbH and drawing upon country studies presented by ITOPF (for water-occurring spills) and on proprietary research (for land-based spills and leakages).
“The next challenge is to compile a tally of the number of the victims of this “black tide” of oil poisoning,” states Terry Swartzberg, the ethical campaigner who is Swartzberg GmbH’s principal. “In Nigeria alone, they number in the millions.”
To rouse the world’s attention to this huge problem – one necessitating the world’s relinquishing of climate-killing fossil fuels – “Black Tide” – the song composed for the victims of oil pollution – will be sung by an unprecedentedly large assemblage of choirs and singers. Venue is Berlin’s historic Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtnis-Kirche. Date and time: September 30th at 8 pm.
To sing at Black Tide:
Terry Swartzberg: (+49-170) 473 35 72
For further information: